Vegan Steamed Cake (Brioche-like)

This vegan Steamed Cake is Brioche-like, soft, fluffy and rich. It is great for kids because it is made without any sugar added and its vibrant colors come from pureed vegetables!
This time I made it in 3 different colors (pink-beetroot, green-spinach, yellow-sweet potato) and three different fillings (banana & peanut butter, sugarless haselnut chocolate, sweet potato with cocoa powder and dates).
You can of course pick your favorite color and your favorite filling and it will be less work! Or you could choose to make it into little balls without any filling.
Because this steamed cake is made with rich coconut milk this steamd cake, even though vegan, is very rich and very close to a real brioche.
Follow the instructions on this VIDEO:
tbs = tablespoon = 15ml; tsp = teaspoon
Yeast mixture:
♥ 14g fresh yeast (or a package -7g- dry, instant yeast)
♥ 100 ml slightly warm coconut milk
♥ 3tbs (30g) all-purpose flour
For each of 3 colors:
♥ 1/3 cup pureed veggie mix:
– 1/4 cup cooked sweet potato/beetroot/frozen spinach (or 50g fresh spinach) + 1/2 tsp kurkuma powder for the yellow/sweet potato mix
– fill up with coconut milk to get a total volume of 1/3 cup for each “color”
♥ 1/3 of yeast mixture
♥ 2/3 cup (90g) flour – plus extra 1/4 cup for the kneading if needed
♥ pinch of salt
Banana & Peanut Butter:
♥ 1/2 banana
♥ 1 tsp peanut butter
♥ 2 tbs ground almonds
Sweet Potato “Chocolate”:
♥ 1/3 cup cooked sweet potato
♥ 2-3 dates (soaked overnight if you are using a very dry type of dates)
♥ 2 tbs unsweetened cocoa powder
Sugarless Hazelnut Chocolate Cream
♥ I used this this one:
♥ sprinkle of ground nuts (hazelnuts or almonds)