Gingerbread Cookies (Snowflakes)

Gingerbread Cookies (Snowflakes)

This is my favorite classic recipe for gingerbread cookies. These little Christmas treats should be prepared at least two weeks in advance. The day of baking they are rather tough and they need some days of resting (if you can resist). My secret ingredient is 

Homemade Spice Mix for Gingerbread

Homemade Spice Mix for Gingerbread

This combination of gingerbread spices will make your home smell like Christmas! It is perfect not only for cookies but also for hot wine, muffins or special winter coffee! And it is such a pleasure to make it at home! [facebooklike] 1 portion (4-5 teaspoons; 

Pasta with Romanesco Broccoli

Pasta with Romanesco Broccoli

My boyfriend F. who is a physicist just loves Romanesco. It is because of its mathematical self-similar structure (it looks like Romanesco is built up of its own miniatures). Additionally this healthy vegetable has a delicious taste! I made this pasta sauce with a mix of 

Mascarpone Vanilla Cream with Fruits

Mascarpone Vanilla Cream with Fruits

A perfect combination of the sweet and creamy vanilla vanilla mascarpone with acidulous fruits. Irresistible! Even though it takes only five minutes to prepare it the effect will amaze everyone! PLEASE visit our Facebook page and LIKE us to stay in touch! (New posts every day!) (Please LEAVE A COMMENT if you 

Pumpkin & Chestnut Soup

Pumpkin & Chestnut Soup

Baking the pumpkin and chestnuts in the oven permit to preserve all their flavors. This soup is creamy, slightly sweet with a note of celery and cinnamon. It is perfect for colder Autumn evenings. [facebooklike] For 3-4 servings you will need: ♥  1kg pumpkin ♥ 

Eggplant baked with Gorgonzola Cheese

Eggplant baked with Gorgonzola Cheese

Here is a savory way to serve an Eggplant. Made in the oven, an Eggplant gets amazingly creamy. Addition of the Gorgonzola cheese & walnuts makes this dish just perfect! [facebooklike] For 2-3 servings you will need: ♥  2 eggplants ♥  2 eggs ♥  2 

Tomato Soup with Rice

Tomato Soup with Rice

Autumn has definitely arrived. During these long, cold evenings we will be often looking for comfort in food. Warm, rich soup are perfect for this time of the year. The tomato soup is my favorite one! Especially when colder days arrive I feel I could 

November in Venice (2013)

November in Venice (2013)

I fell in love with the november Venice. Despite (or maybe thanks to) the gray color palette and the rain, this city is breathtaking. You just need a warm jacket and a pair of waterproof shoes and you won’t be able to stop wandering along those 

Chestnuts cream (fr. Crème de marrons)

Chestnuts cream (fr. Crème de marrons)

I love it the most with some fromage blanc (white cheese) but it is also delicious on french crepes. It is creamy, sweet with a vanilla note. A veritable taste of the French Autumn! And surprise: it is amazingly simple and quick to prepare and 

Hot & Spicy Apple Cider

Hot & Spicy Apple Cider

If Summer is about Sangria, Winter about Hot Wine, than Autumn should be all about the Hot Apple Cider! Made with wonderful spices, orange and honey this delicious drink will warm you up! And if you like it a bit stranger you can fortify it