Carrot Tarte

As soon as in shops I can find young carrots I love to prepare this delicious tarte! The carrots make it sweet and so beautifully orange! I also love the combination of the buttery tart crust and carrots. 🙂
It is amazingly simple to prepare!
For a tart (around 23cm in diameter):
♥ 8 medium young carrots
♥ 2 medium ordinary carrots (you can use only the young one!)
♥ 2 eggs
♥ 1 celery branch
♥ 1 spoon potato starch
♥ 3 spoons cream (eg 12% fat)
♥ 1/2 teaspoon salt
♥ 120g flour
♥ 50g butter
♥ 1 egg
♥ 1/3 teaspoon of salt
1. Wash carrots. You need to peel only the old one. Choose 1-2 pretty young carrots and slice them to use as a decoration in the end.
2. Slice the remaining carrots and cook in salted water for about 10 to 15min (until they get softer but not necessarily completely cooked, they will get even softer in the oven!). Also cut of and put into water some of carrot leaves- they will be perfect for plate decoration!
3. Do do the crust: mix all ingrediens: flour, butter, egg and salt. Knead it until well connected. Roll it out. Put into a tart form and using a form do some holes in the dough. Bake at 180’C for 10min. FOR MORE DETAILS check my previous post.
4. When carrots are softer put them into a big bowl and add cream, eggs, celery, potato starch and salt and blend everything together until smooth.
5. Put this carrot paste on the baked tart crust, decorate with carrot slices and bake it at 180’C for 30-40min. Enjoy!
loving your blog, simple ideas that look delicious;
havn’t been cooking in a while (used a lot my can opener…) but it definitly makes me wanna cook again 🙂
Now in Paris days get longer and longer so there will be more time to cook! Also the picnic and BBQ season is starting, and this also gives inspirations to play with food. 🙂 😛 Cheers!