Custard with Walnuts and Chocolate

Being a PhD student in Paris I was lucky enough to get a little job at university to work with younger students. UPMC is the largest scientific university in France, so you can imagine that it is full of very interesting people from entire world!
Here I would like to present you a recipe I got from one of my students. She is from Algeria and according to her sister she is a wonderful cook! When I told her I have a food blog she took out a paper and wrote me down a recipe for a simple dessert. It took her only 5min! 🙂
It is really simple. You just need to mix eggs with milk and bake it in the oven. It worked really nice for me!
(Special Thanks to Nihel)
You can prepare it as a cake (using a rectangular or circular form) or as I did it this time: as individual little portions.
For 4 desserts (each of 200mL of volume):
– 400g of condensed milk with sugar
– the same volume of milk
– 3 eggs
-3 egg whites
– 10 walnut
– 80g black chocolate (70%)
– 3 teaspoons of butter
1. Pour sweetened condensed milk to a big bowl.
2. Fill the can after the condensed milk with the normal milk and add to the bowl.
3. Now beat 3 eggs and add them to the milk.
4. Stir everything well and pour into your baking forms (I use silicon one with 200mL of volume).
5. Bake it for 30 min in water bath (or if you do it in a big form: 60min). To do so you need to put the forms with batter into a bigger dish with water. After baking the batter should turn from liquid to rigid.
6. Decorate it with walnuts and beaten egg white. For 3 egg whites, add 2 spoons of icing sugar while beating. The egg white should get rigid.
7. Put it to the oven for another 5-8min. The egg white should turn brownish.
8. Before trying to put your dessert out you need to cool it down. If you are in a hurry you can place the form in cold water. Then using a knife try to gently detach the custard from walls of the baking form. Then turn it upside down on a plate!
9. Melt the chocolate with butter and directly (still hot) pour it over your dessert. As Nihel suggested, you can also decorate it with caramel (instead of chocolate).