15min Pasta with Tuna

This dish really takes only 15min. You will easily prepare the tuna sauce while your pasta is cooking! Perfect after long day at work!
For 2 big portions:
♥ 150-200g pasta (my favorite one here: Tagliatelle!)
♥ 160g canned tuna
♥ 1 oignon
♥ 2 teaspoons capers
♥ 2 spoons soy sauce
♥ 1-2 red chili peppers
♥ 6 spoons cream (e.g. 12% fat)
♥ chives
♥ olive oil
1. Put water on a hot top stove. While waiting it starts to boil, slice onions and sweat them with some olive oil. After 4 min add sliced Chili pepper. Stir together for 2min.
2. Put pasta to boiling and salted water. Add tuna to the frying pan and mix it well with chili peppers and onions (1-2 min so it gets warmer).
3. Add soy sauce, cream and capers . Stir everything together until pasta is ready.
4. Strain pasta using a colander. Add all of it to the tuna sauce and stir. Serve sprinkled with some chives.