Cupcakes: Mascarpone & Ricotta Cheesecake on Chocolate with Raspberry Hearts

A sweet treat perfect for Valentine’s day! I fell in love with Martha Stewart’s idea for cute little raspberries heart. It is so brilliant (because so simple)!
I use these little heart to decorate my Mascarpone/Ricotta/Chocolate Cupcakes.
For 8-12 (depending on size :P) cupcakes:
Cheesecake batter:
♥ 140g Ricotta
♥ 150g Mascarpone
♥ 160g Philadelphia Cream cheese
♥ 70g sugar
♥ 2 eggs
♥ 1 1/3 spoon of potato starch
Chocolate cake for the bottom:
♥ 1 egg
♥ 60g chocolate (70%)
♥ 40g butter
♥ 2 tablespoons of sugar
♥ 2 tablespoons of flour
Raspberry mix (to do the hearts!):
♥ a big handful of raspberries (I used frozen one)
♥ 2 spoons of icing sugar
♥ 1-2 tablespoon of cornstarch
1. Mix together all cheese. When it’s well connected add the first egg. Mix more to well incorporate it. Then add the second egg, sugar and flour. The ready batter might look quite liquid but it’s normal!
2. Now it’s time to prepare the chocolate dough for the bottom of cupcakes. First, melt butter with chocolate. When melted add flour and stir it well.
4. Whisk the egg with sugar. Pour the chocolate over eggs while stirring. Mix it well.
5. Now fill the bottom of cupcake forms with the chocolate batter (in my opinion silicon forms are the best). Bake them 8min at 180’C.
6. Put the cheese batter over the chocolate bottom.
7. To prepare the raspberries you need to put them on a hot pan (can be still frozen, no oil needed).
8. They just need to get soft and fall apart. Use a sieve in order to remove the little stones.
9. Now mix it with cornstarch and icing sugar.
10. We are ready for the best part: decorating! In order to do these little cute hearts you just need to raspberry drops on your cheese cupcakes and then use a toothpick to “run over them”.
11. Bake them for 2-25min at 160’C. Cool them down with closed oven doors.
12. I served it with vanilla ice-cream and some special raspberries (with alc. 🙂 ) or with a mint leaf.
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