Beetroot soup (Polish)

Within all the Polish specialties, that I was missing, while living abroad, the beetroot soup with croquettes are ranked really high! Probably because in France there is nothing that even slightly resembles this dish. Moreover, my not Polish friends were rather shocked, that I’m willing to eat warm beetroots. 😛 🙂
Also, it is crazy, how pretty the color of the soup is!!! 😀
For 2-3 portions:
♥ 500g cooked beetroots (around 3big one)
♥ 1 cooked carrot
♥ lemon juice from 1/2 lemon
♥ 500g of your favorite bullion (I used a chicken one)
♥ 1/2 teaspoon cumin grains
♥ 2 spoons of honey
♥ 1 spoon of sour cream
♥ 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper
♥ Salt to taste
1. Blend the beetroots. It will be a little bit more liquid than potato puree.
2. Now add the bullion and a carrot and again blend everything together. Pour the soup to a sauce pan and bring to the boil.
3. After 5min of boiling add cream, honey, lemon and spices (cumin, salt and pepper)
4. Serve hot as an individual dish or with crispy croquettes. 🙂 Enjoy taste, smell and color! 😀