Asparagus with Hollandaise sauce

Here is another recipe for asparagus Lovers! Probably one of the most classic one. The French Hollandaise sauce is made with egg yellow, butter and few drops of lemon. It is delicious with steamed asparagus.
HERE is how to cook asparagus.
You will need:
♥ 1kg cooked/steamed green asparagus (the Hollandaise sauce is also delicious with the white asparagus!)
for Hollandaise sauce:
♥ 2 tablespoon lemon juice
♥ 5 tablespoon water
♥ 3 egg yellow
♥ 150g butter, melted
♥ 1/2 teaspoon salt
♥ 1/2 teaspoon pepper
1. You will need a bigger saucepan and a smaller one (or a metalic bowl) that will fit on the top. Pour some water on the bottom of the bigger saucepan and bring it to the boil. The little saucepan CANNOT touch the water at any time. You will use only the heat from the steam of boiling water.
2. Put the egg yellows, lemon juice and water into the small saucepan and place it on the steam (remember, it cannot touch the boiling water). Whisk the eggs until they starts to thicken (it should take around 5min).
3. When eggs got a little bit thicker start slowly adding melted butter, spoon by spoon, and vigorously whisk all together after each addition. Especially in the beginning do not add too much butter at the time (start with little portions).
4. Serve warm with steamed asparagus.