Peanut Butter Cookies

Already the smell of these cookies makes it worth to bake them! I used homemade peanut butter (100% peanuts!), pure cocoa powder, dark chocolate, and just a bit of my homemade vanilla sugar. Ok, you should probably not have too many of them at once, but they are so much healthier than cookies you buy in a supermarket.
I love to have one with my morning coffee but they are also AMAZING crushed and sprinkled over strawberries with yogurt!
For a batch you will need:
♥ 200g flour
♥ 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
♥ 115g butter
♥ 70g dark chocolate (I used one with 70% cocoa; cut into little pieces)
♥ 1,5 tablespoon cocoa
♥ 60g homemade vanilla sugar
♥ 1 egg
♥ 250g peanuts with shell (which is 160-170g peeled peanuts)
♥ 1/2 teaspoon salt
The secret is to cool down the dough in the fridge for 2h (or overnight) before baking. If you skip this step, the cookies are still very good but much less crispy.
1. First, prepare the peanut butter. It is super easy! You just need to blend the peanuts for 2-5 min until they turn a bit creamy.
2. Combine the peanut butter with other ingredients. Wrap some cellophane foil around the dough and leave in the fridge for at least 2h.
3. Divide the dough into few pieces and roll out each of them to get 0,5cm layer. Cut out cookies.
4. Bake at 180’C for about 10min until the cookies turn a bit browner.