Author: Marta

Sauce for smoked Salmon (Honey, Mustard & Dill)

Sauce for smoked Salmon (Honey, Mustard & Dill)

This very simple sauce will make your sandwiches with smoked salmon much more savory! It is very quick and simple to prepare. By the way, not everybody knows, but when doctors say that fish is good for health because of the Omega-3 fatty acids, they mean raw fish (not the cooked one)! 

Les Tontons (Tartar steak in Paris)

Les Tontons (Tartar steak in Paris)

3, rue des Gobelins 75013 Paris If you feel like having some raw meat, this is a perfect place for you! :p They have many different variations of tartar steak- everybody will find something interesting! 🙂 [facebooklike]

Fruit Salad with Caramelised Nuts

Fruit Salad with Caramelised Nuts

Fresh pineapple pieces and banana slices are caramelized on a hot frying pan. The warm, caramelized fruits are mixed with apples, kiwi and grapes. Then, homemade caramelized walnuts are sprinkled over them. Delicious! [facebooklike] For 2 big portions: ♥ 3 slices of pineapple ♥ 1 banana ♥ 10 grapes ♥ 1 kiwi ♥ 1 little apple ♥ 10 

Bobotee (Meat Timbales)

Bobotee (Meat Timbales)

This recipe comes straight from South Africa! Our good South African friend cooks really well (here is another thing he cooked for us!) and recently we were again really lucky to have him as a guest! This time he prepared Bobotee for us. Apparently it 

Salmon Paste

Salmon Paste

This simple combination of salmon with cream cheese magically wins hearts of all my friends. You can have it as a snack while preparing a dinner or simply for a breakfast. It is also a hit at all our picnics! And it only takes seconds 

Classic Toast (with cheese, ham, tomato and onions)

Classic Toast (with cheese, ham, tomato and onions)

Everybody loves toasts. They are crunchy, warm and you can put inside whatever you want. And also almost everybody has a toaster. But somehow it is really easy to forget about it. Here is a little reminder! 🙂 It’s time to put dust away from your 

Chicken with Orange Sauce

Chicken with Orange Sauce

During my travel in Sri Lanka I once ordered a similar chicken like this with orange sauce. It was so intense in taste and color that it was haunting me since! Finally I got the courage to try making it myself! It is not as difficult as it 

Rare Steak (rump steak)

Rare Steak (rump steak)

Here is the best carnivorous indulgence! Even though I love vegetables and I could definitely survive on a vegetarian diet once a while I like to have a real piece of meat. And I believe that if you do something you should do it right! PLEASE visit our Facebook page: LIKE us to stay in 

Double Chocolate Cookies

Double Chocolate Cookies

Another little treat for chocolate addicts! These cookies will definitively satisfy your chocolate lust. 😀 I love them the most served still hot, when the chocolate is creamy 😛 PLEASE visit our Facebook page and LIKE us to stay in touch! (Please LEAVE A COMMENT if you feel like   ) 

Nachos (Tortilla chips baked with beans, green paprika and cheese)

Nachos (Tortilla chips baked with beans, green paprika and cheese)

Perfect for an evening with friends or as a snack while watching a movie. It only takes 25min to prepare! PLEASE visit our Facebook page and LIKE us to stay in touch! (& if you feel like LEAVE A COMMENT in English, French, Polish or German!) For 2-3 people: ♥ 200g tortilla chips ♥ 80g grated cheese